The Map Becomes the Territory – Street 3.0 University of Ljubljana Artist talk, 2024 Zapfenstreich
Über Algorithmen im Krieg, aber was hat die Kunst damit zutun? Chaos Communication Congress, 37C3Artist talk, 2023 Pet ViewPet View is Evan Roth and Simon Weckert, featuring Derkundespunzler, panke.galleryPerformance, 2023 xMobil The xMobil project is developing a working prototype framework for a solar-powered investigative art module in the form of a car trailer that enhances creativity and innovation in remote locations. Installation, 2023 A(i)R Pollution the “A(i)R Pollution” App on your smartphone, the
breath of the plant is visualized.Application, 2023 Emission of the CloudWe tend to hoard data and are largely unaware of our resource wastage.Installation, 2024 The Republic of Null Island Null Island denotes an imaginary island as a cartographic placeholder on the earth's surface where the prime meridian and the equator intersect. Installation, 2024 Himmelfahrt (Ascension) - Cyber Procession Entering heaven alive (ascension) is a belief held in various religions.Installation, 2022 Galloping Horses36 seconds frozen in time.Installation, 2022 Digital Nature The room installation Digital Nature, consisting of old, discarded monitors, devices, cables and circuit boards and questions the sustainability of our digital life. Installation, 2022 Nonexistent An AI-algorithm, which now generates deceptively natural looking portraits of people in an endless loopInstallation, 2022 SgraffitiSgraffiti is the interactive media façade artwork that forms an expansive collaboration with the existing material graffiti works drawn in this place.Installation, 2022 Bauhaus Infinity Archive The Bauhaus Archive collection is made up of over one million items, and only very few of them have ever been shown publicly.Installation, 2022 No Travel AgencyYou are invited to a journey that will not strain your body, or leave any carbon emissions.Performance, 2022 was created at the "Art of bordering" experimental workshop in Chemnitz, 8.-12. 12. 2022.Webpage, 2022 Airmarket Air is traded here! At the Airmarket, the air becomes a commodity, which can be purchased and is managed by the Airmarket. Performance, 2021 Chaordic Bauhaus is considered the center of modernism. Utopias were created here that inspire generations of designers and artists.Installation, 2021 Arte TRACKSSimon Weckert | Arte TRACKSDocumentation, 2020 Google Maps Hacks 99 smartphones are transported in a handcart to generate virtual traffic jam in Google Maps.Installation & Peformance, 2020 Zapfenstreich A machine was trained with neuronal audio syntheses to play the tune of "Zapfenstreich" (engl. Taps)Installation, 2018 Time warp choreographyContemporary dance with generative coding.Programming, 2018 Eternal DreamThe digital soul of your scanned body leaves the place,for an eternal flight through the web.Installation, 2019 Maps from Space The map is not the territory ..... but another version of reality. (Korzybski 1933)Installation, 2017 Google Maps BordersThe map is not the territory ..... but another version of reality. (Korzybski 1933)Research, 2018 ZukunftSound interactive light sculture.Installation, 2019 In the shadow of darkness In the history of mankind, the natural phenomena of solar eclipses has been interpreted as a threatening omen, abused by tyranns and described in mythological contexts.Installation, 2018 DumbphneThe dumbphne is a conversational rigor that attempts to question how we utilize the smart phone.Film Installation & Performance, 2016 Source CodeDifferent Textures based on one source code in pixelshader.Programming, 2017 Distance ClockSo many people have never loved before each other over such long distances as today.Hardware, 2016 The world longest selfie stick60 seconds Satellitevideo from "IRIS" Satellite implemented into google earth.Animation, 2018 Hope MachineReal-time ‘Slot Machine’, generating algorithmic quotes depending on which 3 producers of ‘Hope’ the user received. Operated with coin slot and lever.Installation, 2017 Kinoetic Evolution in the internet of thingsParaphrase of the work "Kinoetic Evolution" from Loren Carpenter.Programming, 2015 Phase RepairThis project asks how changing modes of video post-production might inscribe themselves on a perfomance.Programming, 2015 Interconnected A digital artwork that dramatically portrays the hidden troves of operational data at Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT)Installation, 2018 Kamera SliderTutorial for CamerasliderHardware, 2015 Hansaviertel & DokumentaPhoto Hansaviertel & DokumentaPhoto, 2012 MaueropferThe work Maueropfer dedicate the deceased people of the Berlin Wall 1961 - 1989, where refugees ,
people without escape intention and border guards died.Hardcoded Object, 2015 Endless Ending EnergyEndless Ending EnergyInstallation, 2015 Choreograpic Coding 1Various studies of choreographic movements.Performance, 2014 EquiveillanceEquiveillance is a state of equilibrium, or a desire to attain a state of
equilibrium, between surveillance and sousveillance.Hardcoded Object, 2015 Sequence SeaSequenceSea is a multimedia light and sound installation in which the visitor reflects a sound element by his movement in space. There are more and more melodies and sounds generated when the visitor noticed that they must interact with other people. Each person in the room is a part of the sound world and is a sound on a score.Installation, 2014 Wanze
Pro Jahr werden in den Industrieländern rund 50 Millionen
Tonnen Elektroschrott entsorgt, darunter Computer, Fernseher,
Handys und Haushaltsgeräte. 75 Prozent davon kommen nie in
den offiziellen Recycling-Anlagen an, oft werden sie illegal nach Indien ,
China oder Afrika verschifft. Concept, 2014 Mirror MoveManipulated light-shapes reflect the movement of the viewer. The visitor enters into an alliance with the mechanics and used it as an extension of its action. The person try to adapt the movement of the digital systems and change there natural body movement into a motion which is influenced by bits and bytes.Installation, 2014 Reading is a way to wisdomAn interactive media, which is a combination of light projection with concrete object (a book) by using tracking technology to start the projection when the visitors open the book.Installation, 2014 Rope Screen
The installation is a dynamic screen, which gives the viewer the impression that he moves around a 3 Dimensional virtual object. Only the the dynamic movement of a rope create a canvas for the projection. RopeScreen illustrates the decomposition of „white light“ in its spectral colors.Installation, 2013 PROCESSOR i5 760 @ 2.80GHz Visualisation of single processes in a i5 2.80GHz ProcessorGenerative Coding, 2013 Generative Coding 2 Bézierkurve, Mathematic Movement Studies.Generative Coding, 2013 Interaktive GridGenerative Coding, 2013
You see the projection of a grid,
which assumes the forms of the people
in front of it.
If the person of the projection comes too close,
the pattern of the grid begins to distort
and tear. The game begins if
the visitor noted that the grating always
returns to its original state.Installation, 2013 Generative Coding 1Sphere affected by sound. Made with vvvv.Generative Coding, 2013 Du must dein Leben ändernMenschen nach Feierabend. Vom Sport geht es in den Club - zum Tanzen, Trinken, Flirten, und nimmt schon bald absurde Formen an. Eine Satire über Coaches, Ratgeberliteratur,
das bessere Leben und missionarischen Eifer im neoliberalen Zeitalter.Performance, 2014 Atlas of Media Thinking and Media Acting in BerlinWebsite for Media Thinking and Media Acting in BerlinProgramming, 2016